Affiliate Marketing

Escape the Rat Race with Affiliate Marketing: Traffic Generation for Beginners


traffic stats on a computer screen

It’s day 5 of the Quick Start Challenge by Dean Holland. Today we are looking at traffic which is part of the core 4 areas of focus.

First, we will look at an Introduction to Traffic and what kind of traffic we need to explode our sales system to the Dream Life level.

Then we will delve into what traffic temperatures are, then based on your current financial status we will learn about the main 2 methods of acquiring traffic, which then leads us to the main focus of the sales system that can be used by any affiliate marketing for FREE.

Then finally we will look at day 5’s Homework we need to complete to move on to day 6.

What Is Traffic and Why Is It So Important?

So, the question being asked is “What is traffic?

In short, Traffic is basically the number of people who visit your web page, landing page, or anything that is online open to view.

But you do not want just any traffic do you, you need traffic that fits your customer avatar to be exact.

There really is no point in generating traffic for an audience that is interested in let’s say “Dog Training Guides” and then they hit your content to only find “Stock Investment Guides”.

Your main goal in driving traffic is to drive targeted traffic, meaning people who are interested in the solutions and/or topics that you have to offer.

For example Traffic Generation for beginner affiliate marketers. I want to provide them with a free video, pdf on ways to drive traffic to their site and/or page, right?

You want to provide value and information based on their interest, so if you are promoting “Traffic Generation for beginner affiliate marketers” you provide them content base on traffic generation for affiliate marketing, right?

When you can get “targeted traffic” in front of a high-converting offer that is of interest to them and it solves a pain or pleasure point they have then YOU MAKE MONEY!

Next, we go into traffic temperatures and learn what they are all about…

Traffic Temperature Is Key to Success

Somebody coined this phrase: “NOT ALL TRAFFIC IS CREATED EQUAL

This is very true as there are different levels of traffic that hit your site and it is one of the key ingredients to affiliate marketing or any online business as a matter of fact.

So the different levels or kinds of traffic are based on temperatures. These temperatures are as follows:

Cold traffic refers to people who have never heard of your brand or product before, and therefore have no pre-existing interest or intent to buy. It requires more effort and strategy to convert them into customers.

Warm traffic refers to people who are already familiar with your brand or product but haven’t made a purchase yet. They are more likely to convert compared to cold traffic, but may still need some convincing.

Hot traffic refers to people who are already interested in your product or service and are ready to make a purchase. They are more likely to convert into paying customers than cold or warm traffic.

So basically understanding these levels of traffic helps you to target your marketing efforts effectively and increase your chances of converting visitors into customers.

In the next section, we will look at the 2 ways of driving traffic to your offers.

2 Traffic Methods: Which One Is Right for You?

Traffic Secretes by Russell Brunson

There are primarily two ways to drive traffic to your affiliate offers: organic(free) traffic and paid traffic.

  1. Organic(FREE) Traffic
    • requires a time investment from you
  2. Paid Traffic
    • requires you to have finances to investment

Organic or Free traffic in its many forms comes down to “content marketing’ whether it is by the way of content, audio, and videos. You use this content to provide value.

Organic Traffic: Realistic Expectations
  • You will need the correct mindset
  • you will not see results immediately
  • you will need to be consistent daily for results
Paid Traffic: Realistic Expectations
  • you will have losing, winning, and profitable campaigns
  • no guarantee of success
  • as long as you do not approach paid traffic with a mindset of “I am paying so its guaranteed to work” you will be fine.
Example Methods of Organic Traffic Generation
facebook and messenger icons
  • Social Media Advertising
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • Twitter
    • Pinterest
  • Blogging
  • Video Marketing
  • Forum Marketing
  • Podcasting

Understanding Paid Traffic


So basically when you paid for traffic, you have a lot more control of your business and marketing campaigns. This is the fastest way to get traffic and the most sustainable way, but the catch is once you stop your advertising campaign the traffic dries up.

To state the obvious, paid traffic has a monetary investment to it!

The key to paid traffic is to master one of the many forms of paid traffic. Basically, it is imperative to master just one method, only when you have mastered this one method, you can move on to other methods.

If you master one this can make you extremely rich!

Some benefits of using paid traffic include:

  1. Quick results: With paid traffic, you can start seeing results almost immediately after launching your campaign.
  2. Targeted traffic: You can target your ads to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring that your message is seen by the right people.
  3. Measurable results: Paid traffic platforms provide detailed analytics that allows you to track your results and make data-driven decisions.
  4. Control over your budget: With paid traffic, you can set a budget and only pay for the clicks or impressions that you receive.
  5. Increased brand awareness: Paid traffic can help increase your brand’s visibility and awareness, especially if you’re just starting out.

Paid Traffic Methods:

So what I learned from this module is this:

  • The ability to drive traffic online is one of the most valuable skills you can acquire.
  • give yourself time to learn and get good through the practical application of this skill.

Now that we have gone through what traffic is, its temperature levels, and the 2 different methods, we look at the organic method of driving traffic with a system that Dean Holland and his team at Internet Profits created.

The Ultimate Free Traffic System

So Dean Holland introduces us to a system called “The Ultimate Free Traffic System” that they have created and used successfully with their premium product partners on his value ladder.

This amazing system has the following points:

  • it utilizes Facebook to build relationships with potential users through Messenger.
  • it is a 5 Phase process that you can initiate with zero existing audiences
  • it allows you to drive traffic to your offer within the first-day use implement it.
  • through mastery of this strategy, you can achieve thousands of dollars monthly through affiliate commissions.

As this is from a paid course, I will show some kind of respect and not provide the exact steps. He provides the exact templates to implement this strategy and claims it has been wildly successful.

If you want this strategy, I suggest you visit his site and buy the book here, I do not get anything from this as you have to be a premium partner to be an affiliate.

This strategy I would say is perfect for beginners!

Now onto Day 5 Homework.

Day 5 Homework

  1. Choose a traffic method based on your financial status, free or paid.
  2. If you chose the Free Traffic Method then use the “The Ultimate Free Traffic System”.
  3. If you chose the Paid Traffic Method then learn one ad platform ie: Facebook, and Google.
  4. Continue to seek more affiliate offers and add to your email sequence.


Traffic is a critical component of affiliate marketing. However, not all traffic is equal, and it is important to understand the different levels of traffic temperatures to effectively target your marketing efforts.

As a beginner affiliate marketer, you have two primary ways to drive traffic to your offers, organic or paid traffic, which requires a time investment, and paid traffic, which requires a monetary investment.

Whichever method you choose, it is important to have realistic expectations and a mindset of consistency and continuous learning to achieve success.

Mastery of one paid traffic method can make a huge difference in your online business and help you achieve financial freedom.

Thanks for reading and I will soon be posting Day 6 of the Quick Start Challenge…

If you missed out on Day 4 click here to read.

Peace, Prosperity, and wisdom to you my friends!

Published by Dean Santillan

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